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Welder / NDT

The Welder is a member of the maintenance crew and supports the rig in all operations requiring cutting or welding. The welder is expected to take an active part in the company's safety program and ensure that all work permits associated with a job are opened and closed in accordance with the program.[source: Rigzone]
Non-destructive testing technicians (NDT) test materials and components used in structures and machinery.[source: National Careers Service]

Welder는 해양구조물의 건설 및 유지보수 공정에서 영구적인 결합이 필요한 곳에 열과 압력을 가해 융합시키는 작업 및 해체가 필요한 곳에 절단하는 업무를 수행한다.
NDT는 해양구조물 내부의 기공이나 균열 등의 결함, 용접부의 내부 결함 등을 시설을 파괴하지 않고 외부에서 검사하는 방법을 의미한다.

HSE Underwater Welding NDT
Project Manager
Lead Engineer
NEBOSH IGC NEBOSH HSW IOSH Managing Safely Underwater Welding for Maintenance and Decommissioning
– Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Common Introduction to Oil & Gas Engineering Foundation of Drilling Engineering Foundation of Production Engineering English for offshore Engineers
안전/보건 교육 OTTI 인증과정 국제인증과정