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Finance & Accounting

Accounting involves the recording of financial information, as well as storing, measuring, summarizing and communicating this information through reports and analyses. Accountants will perform a number of duties depending on the size and structure of the company’s financial department. Accountants can be specialized and focus on a specific area such as taxes, auditing, or reporting.

Financial audit includes examining the relevance and reliability of financial records and reporting activities. Different audits may include those completed for taxation, legal, disclosure, or compliance purposes. Audits may be done internally or externally by third parties that deliver an opinion on whether the financial records are in accordance with specified criteria. [source: Rigzone]

Finance & Accounting는 프로젝트 진행 시의 재정 및 회계 업무의 전반적인 감찰과 관리를 수행한다.

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Lead Engineer
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